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  • Music-performance

Ways to listen to a river

Nahuel Cano
Sun 26 May 2024 21:00
Theater Kikker Grote Zaal
70 min
Language no problem
€18,- / €15,-
Non-western, Who owns the story
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Nahuel Cano is an Argentinian artist based in the Netherlands. In this work he uses music, video and poetry to tell stories of three important rivers in his life: the Limay and the Salado in Argentina, and the Vecht in the Netherlands. Following these rivers he investigates how history and ecology, feelings, and intimate memories are part of the sound of a river: how rivers define us, and how we influence them.


Rivers are particularly complex and dynamic systems: in infinite interactions they shape the land they flow through and are shaped by it. They shape human visions, fears and needs and are shaped by them. Rivers are also incredibly powerful metaphors and spiritual forces, valuable and coveted economic assets, witnesses and bearers of history. Which stories and histories do these rivers carry with them? What can we learn from them? What opens up by being attentive to their sounds? 

In this work, Argentine artist Nahuel Cano researches the history and meaning of rivers: the Limay and Salado in his native country and the Vecht in the Netherlands, his new home. Cano extensively researched the history of each river and the ecological developments surrounding them, and added his personal stories connected to them. He translated his research into music and poems, and then built an audiovisual performance in collaboration with filmmaker Juan Fernández Gebauer and Ensemble Modelo62. Ways to listen to a river is a “performative concert”: it consists of live music, video projection, spoken word and actions on stage.

Long Table Talk

Nahuel Cano is taking part in the Long Table Talk Staging Climate on May 28 from 21:00 to 22:00 in Theater Kikker.

"The world is fucked up. There is no doubt about it, and yet some kind of beauty, sensitivity, and transformation is still possible. How to render rage and depression into a transformative force? And what is my role in this mess? (…) In my work, the creation of concepts, practices, and artistic experiences are entangled. This embodied knowledge is the outcome of slow and confusing processes of transformation where personal desires, narratives, and intuitions are in a tense but intimate relationship with deep theoretical and political questions"

Nahuel Cano



Nahuel Cano


Composer, performer: Nahuel Cano

Film artist: Juan Fernandez Gebauer

Ensemble Modelo62:

Electronics: Ezequiel Menalled

Cello: Jan Willem Troost

Percussion: Klára Andrlová

Bass clarinet: Enric Sans I Morera

Soundmix: Clare Gallagher

Eindregie advies: Anouke de Groot

Vocal coach: Claudia Cano

Composition advisor: Ezequiel Menalled

Text advisor: Flor Braier Kantor

Technical producer/Light designer: Pablo Fontdevila

Color grading Vecht: Maren Henke


Developed with the support of: Het Huis Utrecht, WP Zimmer, C-Takt, Camargo Foundation Fellowship, HELLERAU – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste, Residenties in Utrecht, Provincie Utrecht, Buitenplaats Doornburgh, Gaudeamus Festival, Stichting SBI / Landgoed Zonheuvel, Estudio ElCuarto.


Informants and sources in the research:


Vecht: Regionaal Historisch Centrum Vecht en Venen, Suzanne Lekkerkerker; Nancy Jouwe; Visit Gooi en Vecht, Mariette Zivkovic; Waternet, Fred de Haan; Samantha Hassink-Burbidge; Holland Waterlinie, Heleen de Boer; Universiteit Utrecht; Lek-Art, Rosita Setz, Robert-Jan Hofhuis; R.C. Boxer “The Dutch Seaborne Empire”, Johannes Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic Slave Trade, 1600–1815”


Limay & Salado: Susana Lara, Gustavo Figueroa, Javier Grosso, Liliana Ancalao, Irina Podgorny, Argentinian Congress Library en National Archives; RTA Archives, Josefina Perez Rial, Florentino Ameghino “Plan Maestro Integral Cuenca del Río Salado”; Informe de sequía SMN – INTA Ministry of agriculture; Cano Eyres family, friends and anonymous sources.


Ways to listen to a river: Vecht is onderdeel van een pilotproject dat in opdracht van de provincie Utrecht door Residenties in Utrecht wordt uitgevoerd. Deze residentie is ontstaan vanuit de wens van de provincie Utrecht om aan urgente thema’s, zoals klimaatadaptie en het stimuleren van recreatie, te werken door middel van creatieve verbeeldingskracht en innovatief ondernemerschap. Dit project komt tot stand dankzij de samenwerking met Buitenplaats Doornburgh, Gaudeamus Festival, Stichting SBI / Landgoed Zonheuvel.


Photo credits: Elisabeth Melchior, Juan Fernandez Gebauer, Nahuel Cano.

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