SPRING Performing Arts Festival (Stichting Spring)
RSIN: 64 17 711
Ganzenmarkt 14, 3512 GD Utrecht
Goal: SPRING is a leading international platform for new developments in contemporary performing arts (dance, theater and mixed forms) and is active in stimulating the growth and development of young and promising artists, of theater and dance as art forms and of the public.
Grzegorz Reske (artistic director)
Erin Coppens (managing director)
Supervisory board:
Mrs. Tanja Mlaker (chairman)
Mrs. Patricia van den Broek
Mr. Franc Faaij
Mrs. Hanneke Lenkens
Mr. Caspar Nieuwenhuis
Mrs. Arianne Perez-Koeleman
The schedule of resignation of the Supervisory Board (RvT)
Main positions and commissions of the members of the Supervisory Board
Tanja Mlaker – chair
Main position: Director Stichting Cultuur Eindhoven | Additional position: member Supervisory Board Stichting Omroep Muziek
Patricia van den Broek
Main position: Founder-director Stichting Nieuw in Nederland
Franc Faaij
Main position: Head of Festivalteam Stichting Rotterdam Festivals | Additional position: member advisory committee Kwalitatieve criteria evenementen Gemeente Utrecht, board member Stichting Nationale Evenementenprijzen (on behalf of Rotterdam Festivals)
Hanneke Lenkens
Main position: Head of services Stichting voor Vluchteling-Studenten UAF
Caspar Nieuwenhuis
Main position: Director HKU Theater | Additional positions: board chair Studio Figur, board chair Theaterstraat, chairman of the supervisory board Amsterdams Kleinkunst Festival
Arianne Perez-Koeleman
Main position: Programmer Lindenberg Cultuurhuis
Remuneration policy
Members of the Supervisory Board only receive compensation for expenses incurred. They receive no attendance fee. SPRING subscribes to the Fair Practice Code. The remuneration policy for the core team is based on the wage structure of the CAO Nederlandse Podia. The remuneration policy for the festival team is based on the wage structure of the CAO Toneel & Dans.