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  • Performance-installation
  • NL premiere

The Indonesian Dialogues

There Will Be Film
120 min
English & Bahasa Indonesia (English subtitles)
€18,- / €15,-
+ € 0,25 per transaction
Non-western, Face from the crowd, War on stage
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This performance features powerful sounds, and atmospheric fog/smoke effects. Additionally, dialogues will explore sensitive and profound topics, including colonialism and violence, among others.

A multidisciplinary performance featuring video installations, live painting and music. Post-colonial descendants from the Netherlands, Switzerland and Indonesia address questions around colonialism, cultural and personal biases: how does our history continue to influence our present? Who can actually speak about the past? Whose voice is being heard?

How does our history continue to influence our present? In this production post-colonial descendants from the Netherlands, Switzerland and Indonesia unite in artistic research on colonialism, as well as cultural and personal biases.

Through meetings with Indonesian experts from various workfields, they explore methods of dealing with colonialism and decolonization through dialogues. Their collective efforts will lead to the creation of The Indonesian Dialogues, a multidisciplinary performance featuring video installations, live illustrations, music and storytelling. The audience is invited to navigate between different perspectives and to engage with the dialogue themselves.


  • 2023: Incentive prize for diversity and inclusivity in performing arts by DNA Next!


Theaterkrant visited the premiere of The Indonesian Dialogues in Switzerland. Moos van den Broek wrote: “The Indonesian Dialogues, also to be seen in Utrecht next week during SPRING, raises urgent questions while exposing a postcolonial history.” Read the whole review here.

Topic Talk

Performer Francesca Vincentie is taking part in the Topic Talk Ownership & (De)colonial practices on May 31 from 15:30 tot 16:30 in Theater Kikker.

Exhibition “Usufructuaries of earth” at BAK

Prior to the performance, visitors can attend the exhibition Usufructuaries of earth at BAK for free. Usufructuaries of earthis a project that inquires into the practice of ethically sharing the earth’s usufruct.

"The Indonesian Dialogues, also to be seen in Utrecht next week during SPRING, raises urgent questions while exposing a postcolonial history."

Moos van den Broek, Theaterkrant, June 27 2024



Sven Peetoom


Sebastian Gisi


Eddie Hara


Linda Mayasari


Francesca Vincentie


Linda Mayasari – Dramaturg & research facilitator

Francesca Vincentie – Artistic director, music composer & performer

Sven Peetoom – Artistic director, filmmaker & performer

Sebastian Gisi – Artistic director & performer

Eddie Hara – Artistic director, scenographer & performer

Jiska Bazuin – Head of production

Sekar Putri Handayani – Production manager Indonesia

Sebastian Somer – Light design and technician

Kapi Kapinga Grab – Anti-racism expert

Musical contribution by Adhi Bhisma ‘Noizekilla’ Wrhaspati & Wulan Dumatubun



Jatiwangi: Ginggi Syarif Hasyim, Illa Syukrillah Syarief

Lampung: Ayu Permata Sari, Nani Rahayu, Dolf Kloer, Arman AZ


Bali: Maria Darmaningsih, Adhi Bhisma ‘ NoizeKilla‘ Wrhaspati, Slinat, Dewa Ayu Eka Savitri Sastrawan, Agung Mangu Putra, Agung Mangun Putra, Jemana Murti, Wayan Sumahardika, Ketut Eriadi (Jero Penyarikan Duuran Batur), I Nyoman Subrata (Bendesa Adat Geriana Kauh, Karangasem)


Yogyakarta: Akbar Yumni, Bunga Siagian, Gegerboyo, Farhan Afif Al Fattah, Romo Dytee Triwaluyo, Mahmud Safrudi, Egga Jaya Prasetya, Taring Padi, FJ Kunting- Sitras Anjilin, Triyoga Wahyu Riyanto-Rendra Bagus Pamungkas, Anne Shaka-Bernie Liem, Katrin Bandel


Translators: Ismal Muntaha, Ari Bima Anto, Ritaro Hariwangsa, Santi Dewi, Danielle Kevins

Organizer: Alghorie, Kadek Desi Nurani, Dimaz Maulana

Transportation: De Krisna Dwipayana, Ridho Afwan Rahman

Documentation: Muhammad Dzulqornain, Syahidin Ali Pamungkas

Historian: Andreas Zangger

Video Excerpt Dance performance “The (Famous) Squatting Dance: Jung Jung – Te Jung”

Production: Mulawali Performance Forum

Director & Script writer: Wayan Sumahardika

Producer: Agus Wiratama

Performer: Agus Wiratama, Jacko Kaneko, Mangtri Ray Dewantara

Visual & Music: Manik Sukadana

Production Manager: Kadek Desi Nurani

Asst. Production Manager: Dian Ayu

Lighting: Dede Satria Aditya

Translator: Santi Dewi

Crews: Amrita Dharma, Bestari, Dio Febriansyah, Made Westiarta


The Indonesian Dialogues is an international co-production between There Will Be Film, Landholz Productions and ROXY Birsfelden.


Made possible by BAK, basis voor actuele kunst.


Photo credits: Sven Peetoom

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