Canceled: Spelling Spectacle
Canceled due to a injury. Come see Panflutes and Paperwork by Ingrid Berger Myhre!
Creation of live arts, as everything else in our lives, always comes with surprises. Unfortunately, not all of them are positive. In the last phase of preparation for the premiere of Spelling Spectacle by Ingrid Berger Myhre, one of the performers has been injured. This puts the preparations on hold, and means the performances planned at SPRING cannot take place.
On a positive note, Ingrid will be with us this year with her earlier work Panflutes and Paperwork, a beautiful performance in collaboration with Lasse Passage. They playfully examine the relationships between dance and music, using scores as tools to uphold structure over skill, method over indulgence. The title of their duet alludes to the contrast between the wet and the dry: Panflutes, on the one hand, are playful and passionate, Paperwork, on the other, refers to notation and bureaucracy. Read more info here.