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    Complexity of Belonging

    Anouk van Dijk, Falk Richter, Chunky Move
    SPRING 2015

    Complexity of Belonging is a show for those who love dance and those who love the theatre. Seamlessly blending text and dance, it follows the lives of nine people as they grapple with the question: where and how do I belong? With a black sense of humour, Complexity of Belonging explores our personal identities in the era of social media. Nationality, sexuality, gender and history are disintegrating. The show is a theatrical unravelling of our daily struggle to survive in a hyper-connected society.

    In 2012 the much-praised choreographer Anouk van Dijk took over the renowned Australian company Chunky Move. She and writer/director Falk Richter have collaborated before. This is the first time Complexity of Belonging is presented in Europe, after a successful run in Australia.

     On 22 May Complexity of Belonging can be seen with Human use of human beings as Double Bill #1 Resurrection + Survival

     On 22 May after the performance there’s a Bar Talk at the Hekman foyer.



    Anouk van Dijk


    Falk Richter


    Chunky Move

    Motion on Motion off