Hier vind je nieuws, achtergrondartikelen en interviews met makers van het festival.
“Ik wil het moment terughalen met werk dat heel uniek, tijdelijk en lokaal is”
Interview met kunstenaar Jeroen van Loon
“Radio en podcast zijn heel intiem: iemand vertelt een verhaal in je oor”
Interview met Luuk Heezen over SPRING Radio!
“Ik ging eraan twijfelen of ons gedrag niet voorgeprogrammeerd is”
Interview met Stefan Kaegi over Uncanny Valley
- Nieuws
Interview: Rima Najdi about Think Much. Cry Much.
Rima Najdi has lived in Beirut, New York and is now settled in Berlin. Her work occupies and (re)negotiates in-between spaces. She deals with the ways in which identity is constructed and perceived, focusing on the lived experience of the body.
Interview: Kate McIntosh about In Many Hands
Kate McIntosh is a Brussels-based artist from New Zealand who actively involves her audiences in her shows. During In Many Hands, McIntosh invites the SPRING audience to feel, smell and experience - a multi-sensory situation which is almost like a ritual.