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Hier vind je nieuws, achtergrondartikelen en interviews met makers van het festival.

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Interview met Davy Pieter / Theater Utrecht

Maker van Re-enactment of the Now

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Interview with Florentina Holzinger & Vincent Riebeek

Makers of the performance Schönheitsabend

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Interview with Massimo Furlan

Maker of Blue Tired Heroes

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Interview with Toshiki Okada / chelfitsch

Director of Time's Journey Through a Room

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Interview with Simon Mayer

Choreographer of Sons of Sissy

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Interview met Nick Steur

Performance-kunstenaar A piece of 2 -balancing human sized rocks

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Interview met Joris van Oosterwijk

Performatieve installatie Stamping Project

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Interview met Benjamin Vandewalle

Performatieve installatie Inter-view

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