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SPRING Academy

Do you want to discover more about contemporary performing arts? 

Get inspired during ten days of talks, reading groups, workshops and artistic exchanges! Meet peers in the field, connect with audiences or makers, and find new impulses. SPRING Academy is open to everyone who wants to explore more about our performances and the contexts they exist in.



SPRING Academy: Platform for artistic exchange 

SPRING Academy is an important part of the SPRING Performing Arts Festival. As a platform, it presents many free public events such as aftertalks, topic talks and reading groups. The Academy program opens new doors to the performances and allows you to get a deeper insight into new developments in the performing arts and current topics that determine our understanding of the world.  

In this upcoming edition, SPRING Academy presents seven different thematic trajectories. Each of these trajectories will focus on a current topic and will be composed by different performances and contextual activities from the Academy program. These will include conversations with the makers, masterclasses, and workshops. 

The trajectories will be open for registration to both the general public and schools. Everyone will have the opportunity to choose one or more trajectories, gaining access to several performances and exchanges with artists, dramaturgs, scenographers, and researchers in the field. Stay tuned to our website, newsletter and social media, as we will announce them soon! You can sign up for the SPRING Academy newsletter here.

School Program

For over 10 years we have built close relations with various art and academic schools, who visit SPRING yearly for a deepened experience with SPRING Academy. 

Educational institutions from all over the Netherlands and anywhere in the world will be able to participate in the trajectory or trajectories of their choice. The content of the trajectories is carefully curated to include performance visits and after-talks, topic talks, reading groups and workshops related to current and relevant topics of the contemporary social and cultural agenda.

These trajectories align the SPRING Academy program more closely to the interests of each academic program and educational institution, while staying up-to-date with what happens around us. Students will have the opportunity to share their perspectives with the festival makers and artists at SPRING on those topics, and connect with one another and students from other disciplines, building a sustainable and enriching network of future professionals.

Public Program 2024

Next to the School Program, SPRING Academy also organizes events for the general audience. You will find the Public Program of 2025 soon on this webpage.

Stay up to date

Want to stay up to date on the SPRING Academy program? Like to receive important news directly via email? Follow us on Facebook & Instagram and subscribe to our newsletter.


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