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Topic Talk: Performing Care

26 May 2023
Stadsschouwburg Utrecht Zocherfoyer
1 hour
gratis / free
+ € 0,25 per transaction

Conversation about care in life and in performing arts with Jija Sohn, Aleksandra Lemm, Paweł Duduś and Kim Ramona Ranalter

Several contemporary artists use notions of care as a poetics to question how we deal with the people and world around us. Where does this urgency come from? How do these poetics work? Does/should this affect the way we organize performing arts? What proposals do these artists do about the way we should live together, the way we should care for each other and how our health care system could look?

SPRING Artists Jija Sohn, Paweł Duduś and Kim Ramona Ranalter will discuss these themes in relation to their work. During SPRING 2023, Jija Sohn's work together with Aleksandra Lemm and Julia Reist, Landing on Featherswill play twice at BAK.  Paweł Duduś en Kim Ramona Ranalter are, together with Lucy Wilke, makers of SCORES THAT SHAPED OUR FRIENDSHIPwhich will play at the Paardenkathedraal twice during the festival. 

Topic Talks are deepening conversations on SPRING themes: current issues that matter. What trends do we notice in the contemporary performing arts scene and how do they relate to the world around us? Besides 'Performing Care', this year's Topic Talks include the topics 'Between Provocation and Invitation' and 'Black Body – White Gaze'. Moderator Merel Heering will engage with artists from the festival and/or interesting guest speakers. The Talks are for the curious listener, the critical expert, the student and the professional. They are easy to combine with a visit to a performance, but can also be attended separately. They are free and open to everyone. 

Topic Talks are a part of SPRING Academy



SPRING Academy

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