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  • Theatre
  • SPRING coproduction
  • SPRING coproduction
  • World premiere

It’s Going to Get Dark

Samara Hersch
18 May, 19 May 2023
Het Huis Utrecht Theaterzaal
90 minutes
Australië, Nederland
€17,50 / €14,50

Hersch continues her successful search for theatre as a place where not obvious encounters between strangers can be a safe space to talk about the most intimate topics

Samara Hersch is an Australian theatre maker who spent the last years sharing her time between her country of origin and Europe. She developed a unique and fascinating technique bringing conversation between strangers, not only as a methodology of work, but also as its subject.

In her productions, Hersch focuses on stories of marginalized communities and promotes dialogue on social and political issues between different generations. Her latest performance It's Going to Get Dark, which will premiere during SPRING, is an exploration of the possibilities of exchange and intimacy, especially between different age groups. On stage, intergenerational conversations take place between teenagers and seniors, who collectively reflect on how time shapes us and affects our future. Against a backdrop of shifting shadows and apparitions, the performers ask difficult questions about change, uncertainty and the approaching darkness.

It's Going to Get Dark is a prophecy, a promise and a prediction for a future that feels uncertain and overwhelming. Ultimately, the aim of the work is to cultivate curiosity, vulnerability, intimacy and resilience through coming together and listening. By exploring how darkness and theatre can expose alternative modes of interaction, Hersch invites us to rethink our relationship with the unknown and embrace new possibilities.

Samara Hersch is also part of the Topic Talk between provocation and invitation



Samara Hersch

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