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    my shadow used to have density (cancelled)

    Francesca Lazzeri
    07 November, 08 November, 09 November 2020
    De LiK, Kerk
    20 minutes
    €12,50 / €9,-
    SPRING in Autumn 2020

    One-on-one encounter in times of social distancing

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    The stricter corona measures by the national government and the RIVM that have been in effect since 14 October have an influence on the program of SPRING in Autumn XXXL. We regret to inform you that the performance my shadow used to have a density by Francesca Lazzeri has been cancelled. People who have bought tickets for this performance will be informed by email 

    In these times when social distancing is the new norm, while what we crave most is real contact, Francesca Lazzeri creates encounters between strangers. Separated by a screen, visitor and performer meet in the installation/performance my shadow used to have a density. How does this impact their way of communicating? Will they feel free to drop their guard?

    Lazzeri was influenced by the unnerving photographs of vacuumized couples made by the Japanese photographer Hal. Each encounter, for a single visitor, lasts twenty minutes. Being alone in the room with the work gives you a sense of closeness, while also stressing the loneliness.



    Francesca Lazzeri

    Motion on Motion off