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    Motus Mori: meeting the archive

    Katja Heitmann
    20 May, 21 May, 22 May, 23 May, 24 May, 25 May, 26 May, 27 May, 28 May, 29 May 2021
    180 Minutes, including an interval with coffee/tea and cake
    Dutch and English
    € 17 / € 14
    SPRING 2021

    A unique one-on-one experience, especially in these times when our physical encounters with other people are few and far between.

    SPRING will be an official test event this year. Read here all about this.

    Meet your fellow humans through the body of a dancer. With Motus Mori, choreographer Katja Heitmann is compiling an archive of human movement. More than 700 people have donated their movements to it. A stooped back that wants to straighten, a wink by way of a greeting, a nervous index finger twisting a lock of hair, a sudden shake of the head during a laugh; all of these personal, everyday movements that are stored away inside a dancer’s body. Especially for SPRING, Heitmann and her dancers are going in search of the personal encounter within the archive.

    A dancer will conduct a ‘movement-interview’ with you to find out what constitutes your personal motor skills. Next, the dancer presents you with a ‘movement portrait’ in which you will meet your fellow humans; the dancer indexes your movement and connects it to others inside the archive. A unique one-on-one experience, especially in these times when our physical encounters with other people are few and far between.


    Katja Heitmann

    Motion on Motion off