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    Marta Górnicka, Chór Kobiet
    SPRING 2013

    Female power! The 25 Polish women in Chór Kobiet are shouting, singing, whispering, screaming, dancing and moving. All together, all alone, or in groups. The choir is a collective that consists of individuals. Magnificat uses samples from rhythmic speech and one-liners borrowed from pop culture, mixing them with traditional forms of sacred music. Quotes from the bible, food recipes, newspaper clippings, classic literary and philosophical texts. An ideo-sonic remix as a statement about women within the power system of the (Catholic) church. (50 min.)

    Fri 17 may there is a Q&A after the performance with Marta Górnicka. 21.50h at the SSBU, DE Zaal [UK/translator P-NL]. Moderator: Sara van der Kooi



    Marta Górnicka

    Marta Górnicka


    Chór Kobiet

    Motion on Motion off