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    Alma Söderberg, Hendrik Willekens
    SPRING 2014

    Idioter is a concert, a performance, and a live drawing. The Swedish Alma Söderberg dances and ‘voices’ a choreography for voice and movement, while Hendrik Willekens, from Flanders, draws. Stubbornly and consistently the two young makers stick to their own methods and combine them. Willekens drawing his geometric landscapes, Söderberg playing with syllables, inflections and cadence. And then there’s the insanely loud electro music, performed live. The flow of the dream language thus created and the intensely rhythmic performance inexorably draw in the audience.
    What about the title? In Dutch, ‘idioter’ is the comparative form of idiot; in Swedish, it is the plural. Söderberg and Willekens initially chose their title because they loved the sound of it. Later the word acquired significance in their rehearsal process: the endless repetition and the continuous discovery of what their minds and hands were making. Enough to drive them to idiocy…

    Idioter takes place in Kaptiaal, home for graphic design and all related visual and non-visual disciplines.



    Alma Söderberg


    Hendrik Willekens

    Motion on Motion off