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    Five Easy Pieces

    Milo Rau, IIPM, CAMPO
    SPRING 2016

    Five Easy Pieces is a performance featuring children, aimed at grownups, and deals with an emotionally charged subject. The Swiss stage director Milo Rau, never one to shy away from social and political taboos in his controversial and very powerful performances, is presenting seven young performers (aged 8 to 13) who are using the life of Marc Dutroux to ask a number of questions. Questions about ‘our times’, about how private lives will be forever tied up with certain (political) events, and which taboos are hidden beneath them. What do children teach us about our own fears, doubts and hopes? In Five Easy Pieces, Milo Rau uses a range of techniques which he himself has refined, such as the ‘re-enactment’, in which a real event is imitated in minute detail. 

     On 21 May there is a Bar Talk after the performance.



    Milo Rau





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