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  • Performance-installation

Borderline Visible (collective experience)

Ant Hampton / Time Based Editions
Sat 25 May 2024 13:30
Sun 26 May 2024 14:00
Sun 26 May 2024 16:00
Wed 29 May 2024 19:30
Thu 30 May 2024 19:00
Het Huis Utrecht Koepelzaal
80 min
€18,- / €15,-
Face from the crowd, Crossing the 4th wall
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A printed book and a sound space. The two elements are joined together in time and space and shared by a temporary audience community. Collectively we follow the story plotted from individual biographies and historical events, until we are confronted with the reality happening right next to us, but not always seen by us.

This urgent 77-minute experience, fueled by music by Oren Ambarchi and Perila, pieces together value and meaning from the very human ruins of aspiration, history, and language, as it shifts back and forth along a journeyed path between Lausanne and Izmir. 

Time Based Editions’ ingenious new format offers ‘audio-visual’ as two separate elements, held together in the present through a physical synchronization of our hands. Together we dive into a here-and-now of the page: printed photography brought to life by a soundscape that both guides and surrounds us. Ant Hampton’s careful, at times miraculous process of reconnection gradually lights up a constellation: voices and earthquakes, Sephardic diasporas, forced relocation, breakdowns and dementia, swifts and swallows, Eliot’s ‘The Waste Land’ and a unique insight into atrocities at the eastern edge of Europe being funded from its centre. 

The book that is connected to this performance can be purchased after the performance. It is also possible to already buy the book while purchasing your ticket.



  • Resonance Foundation Grant (California)
  • IDFA 2023 Special Jury Award for Creative Technologies


Marijn Lems wrote about the performance for Theaterkrant: “In the stunning installation performance Borderline visible, Ant Hampton seizes upon a journey from Lausanne to Izmir for a reflection on migration, diaspora and genocide across history.” Read the entire review here.


Photo credits (c) Tanz im August / HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin, photo: Dajana Lothert, 2021


“stunning installation-performance… an extremely engaging psychogeographical framework constantly enriched by Hampton's searching mind and razor-sharp political rage”


"Borderline Visible is probably DocLab's most poetic work this year, but in all its simplicity it is also the most poignant”

NRC Handelsblad



Ant Hampton


Borderline Visible (collective experience)

by Ant Hampton / Time Based Editions

Voice & sound, english version: Ant Hampton


NL version –  

Translation – Bruno de Wachter 

Voice – Sébastien Hendrickx

Edit – Malu Peeters / Ant Hampton

NL version created with support from Vlaams Cultuurhuis De Brakke Grond, Noorderzon Festival Groningen, Spring Performing Arts Festival Utrecht, Kanal Centre Pompidou Brussel

Studio support – Pianofabriek Brussel 


credits for all other language versions, see


published in 2023 by Time Based Editions

a series directed by David Bergé and Ant Hampton


Book design: Roland Brauchli

Copy editing and proofreading: Neil Bennun 


Music: Perila, Oren Ambarchi

Corridor Between Days (2022) – by Perila 

Fever, A Warm Poison; from the album In The Pendulum’s Embrace (2007) – by Oren Ambarchi

Quixotism Parts 1 and 2; from the album Quixotism (2014) – by Oren Ambarchi

Created with support from:

The Resonance Foundation (Los Angeles)

Bimeras (Istanbul / Berlin)

Théâtre Vidy (Lausanne)

Research facilitated by Lita House of Production / Beykoz Kundura (Istanbul)

Executive Financial Management: Platform 0090 (Antwerp)


Based on a project conceived with Rita Pauls

with thanks to Pieter Ampe, Giorgos Antoniou, Sae Bosco and Samos Volunteers, Yannick Christian, Hani Dunia, Effi & Amir, Tim Etchells, Katy Fallon, Martin Hampton, Britt Hatzius, Leo Kay, LAPS, Camille Louis, Eva Neklyaeva, Beyhan Onur, Anelka Tavares, Prodromos Tsinikoris, Giulia de Vecchi, Anny Y 



Borderline Visible (2023) is the first iteration in the Time Based Editions series. Time Based Editions is an imprint of PHOTOGRAPHIC EXPANDED PUBLISHING ATHENS.

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