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  • Theatre
  • SPRING coproduction

Blood Thirsty

Ira Melkonyan/the rubberbodies collective
Het Huis Utrecht Theaterzaal
45 min
€12,50 / €10,-
+ € 0,25 per transaction
Non-western, Who owns the story, War on stage, Work-in-progress
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In this work in progress, Melkonyan combines her experience as an artist and as a microbiologist to explore the connections and collisions between the biological and cultural contexts of blood. In her transdisciplinary performance, strange visions expand and leak out of the sterile vessels of a science lab, breaching the boundaries of what can be routinely contained.

In this transdisciplinary performance Ira Melkonyan explores the mysticisms and fantastical qualities attributed to blood. Blood Thirsty is an investigation into the way the story of blood relates to political borders and the human sense of connectedness.

What is blood? How does it perform? Who gets to frame it and to assign meaning to it? What are its social and political connotations? What does our understanding of blood say about our times? And how can the the substance’s agency be re-imagined from a transnational feminist perspective?


  • ZKB Acknowledgement Prize ZKB 2019, Zürcher Theaterspektakel, Switzerland for Upstairs Geology 50/50

Topic Talk

Ira Melkonyan is taking part in the Topic Talk War on stage on May 24 from 17 tot 18:30 in the Stadsschouwburg in Utrecht.

"Ira Melkonyan and The Rubberbodies Collective give presence to the effects of non-humans, challenging the distribution of authorship in the theatre field...The female gaze opens a new perspective on not only the liquid processes that take place around us, but also on how we address them"

Zurcher Theater Spektakel, ZKB Prize

This performance is made possible by:



Ira Melkonyan/the rubberbodies collective


By Ira Melkonyan in collaboration with Jimmy Grima

Performance dramaturgy: Maria Rößler

Visual dramaturgy, production and technical design: Jimmy Grima with TinyIsland Studio

Sound design: Isadora Tomasi

Song in Ukrainian: Marichka Shtyrbulova

Thanks to Paul Boereboom, Nell Schwann, Ira Brand, Isobel Dryburgh, Biljana Radinoska, Justin Schembri

A production of the rubberbodies collective

Coproduced by SPRING Performing Arts Festival, Utrecht

With the kind support of VEEM House for Performance, Amsterdam


Archival footage from Wellcome Collection under the Creative Commons License.


Photo credits: TinyIsland Studio & Artistic research for Blood Thirsty by Ira Melkonyan and Jimmy Grima

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