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Very positive review about RUSH in Dutch newspaper Het Parool


“With Rush, Manon Santkin really shows how few resources are needed to create an immersive theatrical experience. All you really need is an unparalleled performer. And Santkin is”.

Fritz de Jong wrote a praising review for RUSH, one of the SPRING 2024 performances, in Dutch newspaper het Parool

Fritz de Jong schreef voor Het Parool een zeer positieve recensie over RUSH, een van de voorstellingen op SPRING 2024.

“Dance performance RUSH is such a hypnotising solo: one unparalleled dancer is enough.”

Read the full review here.

RUSH had its Dutch premiere yesterday at the opening night of SPRING 2024, and this performance was fully sold out. Today, on May 24th, there is another showing at 19:30 in Stadsschouwburg Utrecht. There are still a few tickets left!


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