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SPRING Academy Trajectories: Provocation & Speculation hosted by Julian Hetzel

Julian Hetzel gives an insight into his creative universe and his artistic practice with a focus on the creative strategies of speculation and provocation. In their un-disciplinary practice Studio Julian Hetzel cultivated provocation as a tool that generates a productive friction – in order to create shape and to produce meaning. Speculation is a recurring strategy in their work, that allows to imagine alternative futures and to develop dramaturgies through „what if-scenarios“. In the workshop the participants will be invited to explore these concepts creatively. Hosted by Julian Hetzel.


Julian Hetzel is a performance maker and visual artist who creates politically charged, documentary-style works for theaters and galleries. His work is produced and presented internationally. Born in the Black Forest (DE), Hetzel is now based in Utrecht (NL). He studied visual communication at Bauhaus University in Weimar (DE) and graduated from DasArts Amsterdam in 2013, an artistic research lab for new theater and performance.

Dates & times

  • Thur 29 of May: 15.00 – 22.00 (incl. breaks)
  • Fri 30: 12.00 – 20.00 (incl. breaks)
  • Sat 31: 11.00 – 18.30 (incl. breaks)

Costs: €153 incl. tickets for all performances in this package, €155 if you wish to buy a passepartout (with special Academy discount).

You can apply via this button


  • Performances:
    Rapeflower – Hana Umeda
    Three timed left is right – Studio Julian Hetzel
    Me, le Corbusier, and a friend – David Bergé
    Teenage Songbook of Love and Sex – Roberts & Magnusdottir
    Renaissance – Wauhaus
  • Workshop:
    Julian Hetzel
  • Opening and Reflection session with Julian Hetzel
  • Lunch:
    provided on 30th and 31st of May
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