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SPRING Academy Trajectories: Embodiment & Physical Knowledge with Katja Heitmann

How do you embody the physicality of someone else? How close can you come to understanding it? Do you need to set aside your own opinion and interpretation? Let’s get into topics touching on empathy, embodiment and transferral of knowledge though physicality. Hosted by Katja Heitmann.


Katja Heitmann (1987, DE) works at the intersection of dance, visual art, performance, and installation. Her choreographic and visual work explores what moves humans in today’s world. Heitmann’s work is marked by a strong aesthetic that contrasts with human fallibility. Her minimalist visual language confronts the viewer with a vast sea of insights, creating a tension that continually emerges throughout her work.

Dates & times

  • Thur 22nd of May: 19.00 – 21.00
  • Fri 23rd: 14.00 – min. 22.30 (possibility to access party afterwards) (incl. breaks)
  • Sat 24th: 13.00 – 20.30 (incl. breaks)
  • Sun 25th: 10.00 – 21.30 (incl. breaks)
    Costs: €155 incl. a passe-partout for the whole festival (with a special Academy discount)

You can apply via this button


  • Performances:
    Magic Maids – Eisa Jocson & Venuri Perera
    RUNNER – Ira Brand
    Fatigue – Viktor Szeri
    Kill Me – Marina Otero
    Motus Mori: PERPETUUM &  Motus Mori: LECTIO – Katja Heitmann
    While Taking Shape – Amparo González Sola
  • Workshop:
    ‘I am a body’ by choreographer Marina Otero
  • Talks:
    aftertalk with Amparo González Sola
  • Opening and Reflection session with Katja Heitmann
  • Lunch:
    Provided on 24th and 25th of May
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