Every day we consume a considerable amount of news and information, whether trending or breaking or less urgent. The truth must be hidden somewhere inside that heap of information. And if we find it, why don’t we act on it? For instance, to put a stop to climate change? Re-enactment of the Now is a cinematic site-specific performance in which the young stage director Davy Pieters has taken the immanent climate change as her point of departure. By offering a re-enactment of the now – showing an event in the present as if it were something that took place in the past – Pieters is creating a world in which fact and fiction become bizarrely intertwined, and which will make you doubt everything you thought you knew and saw.
The talented Davy Pieters has rapidly risen to fame with her work and is fast becoming one of the most original stage directors in the Netherlands.
Please note: The location can’t be reached by public transport (see directions).
On 28 May there is a 10 Minutes, 10 Questions after the performance.