How do you, as a theater director, deal with the colonial past and its resonance in the present? How do you work as an antroplogist-choreographer and prevent cultural appropriation? Under the guidance of moderator Amal Alhaag (curator and researcher) makers Choy Ka Fai, Eko Supriyanto and Sadiah Boonstra (curator and historian) will enter a dialogue. Eko will participate via an online connection. At the end of the talk, there will be a viewing of a short documentary Antara Dua Bulan van Arnaud Kokosky Deforchaux and Beyond Walls about the visit of Eko and the dancers of IBUIBU BELU: BODIES OF BORDERS to SPRING in Autumn 2021. You can visit this talk separately but it is also well combined with the performance Postcolonial Spirits by Choy Ka Fai.
OPEN EXPERT TALKS are in depth conversations on urgent themes of the SPRING festival. The moderator will talk to artists of the festival. The TALKS are there for the curious listener, the critical connaiseur, the student and the professional. They are well combined with visiting performances but you can also visit them separately. The Talks are free of charge and open to everybody.