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Good news: SPRING receives multi-year funding!


Today, SPRING received the good news that we will again receive structural funding from Fonds Podiumkunsten for the period 2025-2028. A few weeks ago SPRING also received a positive funding advice from Gemeente Utrecht for 2025-2028.

We are very grateful for this, and with this funding we can continue to support and program (inter)national innovative and urgent performing arts.

Fonds Podiumkunsten: “The committee finds that SPRING makes a significant contribution to the development of contemporary theater and dance by presenting and co-producing the latest developments from the (inter)national performing arts field in an (inter)national context.”

Municipality of Utrecht: “According to the committee, SPRING is a leading international stage for innovative performing arts. It speaks of a progressive and multifaceted program, with socially engaged themes and makers, that responds to what is going on in the world.(…) The committee finds the great commitment that SPRING shows for makers commendable. In this the festival has an exemplary function, also internationally. (…) The committee urges SPRING to keep challenging and reinventing itself as a festival that operates on the cutting edge.”

We congratulate other organizations that also received funding, and sincerely sympathize with those who did not receive it including some of our partners.


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