Gob Squad is a German-British theatre collective of seven artists who have been working together since 1994. They are known for their video-based performances, often interacting with passers-by or spectators to find the beautiful in the everyday.
This project is a playful live film about the idea of what it would be like to live someone else’s life for an hour. Each night, Gob Squad will create a performance based on the life and home of that night’s guest. Therefore, we are looking for someone who is not necessarily an actor, but is comfortable being filmed and open to sharing their home or living situation with the audience.
Would you like to participate? Then send a short video showing yourself in your favourite place in your home and tell a bit about this place and yourself (max 5 min).
Send that to wouke.vanpaassen[at]springutrecht.nl by April 1st at the latest. If you have any questions, send an e-mail and we will get back to you.