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  • SPRING Academy

SPRING Academy Trajectories

Thursday May 22 to Saturday May 31
Varies per trajectory
You can find more information about the prices per route behind the buttons
+ € 0,25 per transaction

Dive deep into our educational program, get to know the SPRING Academy Trajectories!

The SPRING Academy trajectories are for everyone who has a practice in performing arts, studies in the field of humanities, is an autodidact, an activist, a researcher or a person for any other reason interested in diving deep into a topic related to the works at SPRING.

How to apply?


SPRING Academy offers seven different thematic ‘trajectories’, through which you can experience the festival on a deeper level. Each trajectory takes you along performances, meetings with makers, workshops, (after) talks and many moments for exchange with other participants and renowned artists. Besides, each trajectory is hosted by an artist with expertise on the very topic. This host will guide you through the experience with an opening and reflection session. Overall the Academy trajectories will offer an experience filled with joy, learning, new friendships and lots of inspiration!

Underneath you find the various trajectories you can sign up for. For each, you can choose between a package including a passepartout (access to all SPRING performances) or an option to only pay for the performances included in the trajectory. It’s also possible to follow more than one trajectory, in that case write to us for the specific price – the second one is always low priced if you pick including the passepartout. In this video we explain you everything on how to apply.

Most of the program will take place in Theaterhuis De Berenkuil.

You can apply via this button

For questions you can always write to

Spots are limited so don’t wait too long with signing up 🙂

Please note that if you have a KVK and working experience if the arts field, you can apply for funding for educational purposes through – success not guaranteed, but we recommend giving it a try!

Click on the buttons below for more information on the Trajectories:

Protest & Future Imagination hosted by Ntando Cele | May 22 – 24

Embodiment & Physical knowledge hosted by Katja Heitmann | May 22 – 25

Movement & Vocabularies of the body hosted by Eisa Jocson | May 23 – 25

Artistic Research & Archiving hosted by Szymon Adamczak | May 26 – 28

Speculation & Provocation hosted by Julian Hetzel | May 29 – 31

Visuality & Scenographies of Imagination hosted by alaa minawi | May 29 – 31

Intermediality & dis-placing perspectives hosted by Ainhoa Hernández Escudero | May 30 – 31

*Please note that trajectories, their content and costs are
are subject to change due to availability of artists


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