- Dance
- NL premiere
There is nudity in this performance.
The dance performance UIRAPURU takes you into the enchanting world of the Brazilian forests and the legend of the Uirapuru bird, a man who transforms into a bird. The piece reflects on centuries of colonial oppression and the efforts to erase indigenous cultures, but also on their resilience. Just like the Uirapuru keeps singing, these cultures continue to exist, despite everything. In UIRAPURU, Evelin combines dance, mythology, and environmental awareness in a poetic and powerful narrative about survival, resistance, and the power of art.
UIRAPURU is a work inspired by the mythical beings that inhabit the Brazilian forests, exploring the enchanted and wild cosmology of the woods. The piece draws from the deep, unknown hinterland of the forest, inviting audiences into a space where the boundaries between nature and mythology blur. Central to the piece is the figure of the Uirapuru, a Brazilian bird known as the “singer of the forest.” In Tupi-Guarani, the language of Brazil’s indigenous peoples, Uirapuru means “man turned into bird” or “embellished bird.”
The bird’s existence is tied to an indigenous legend, where a lover, in an impossible love, is transformed into this rare bird. The Uirapuru’s song is said to have a captivating and hallucinatory effect on those who hear it, bringing a sense of fortune and delusion. Yet, despite its ethereal beauty, the Uirapuru is hardly ever seen, much like the endangered cultures it represents. The piece reflects on the destruction of Brazil’s natural and cultural heritage, but also serves as a symbol of resilience.
Through the performance, UIRAPURU conveys a powerful message of survival. Just as the bird continues to sing despite its rarity and the threats it faces, the cultures of Brazil endure. In the face of colonial history and environmental devastation, they continue to exist and be heard, bringing a message of hope and defiance.
Marcelo Evelin’s Uirapuru weaves together dance, mythology, and environmental consciousness to create an evocative exploration of resilience—an artistic testament to the forces that shape both the natural world and human cultures, which, despite all odds, continue to sing.

Topic Talk
Marcelo Evelin will take part in the Topic Talk: The (de) colonised body on stage, on May 24th starting 17:00 at Stadsschouwburg Utrecht.
Deze voorstelling is mede mogelijk gemaakt door:

Marcelo Evelin
Conception and choreography Marcelo Evelin/Demoltion Incorporada
Creation and performance – Bruno Moreno, Fernanda Silva, Gui de
Areia, Luís Carlos Garcia, Márcio Nonato, Rosângela Sulidade,
Vanessa Nunes
Dramaturgy – Carolina Mendonça
Artistic creation assistance – Bruno Moreno
Light – Márcio Nonato
Sound – Danilo Carvalho
Costumes – Gui de Areia
Preparation and rehearsal – Mariana Alves e Vanessa Nunes
Technical direction – Andrez Ghizze
Production direction – Regina Veloso/Casa de produção
Administration and logistics – Humilde Alves
Production and touring – Sofia Matos/Materiais Diversos
Residencies – Campo Arte – Estúdio Demolition Incorporada
(Teresina/Brazil), Teatro Municipal do Porto – Teatro Campo
Alegre (Porto/Portugal), La Vignette (Montpellier/France)
Coproduction – Teatro Municipal do Porto (Pt), Festival Montpellier
Danse 2022 (Fr) and Festival d’Automne à Paris (Fr).
Project supported by the Portuguese Republic – Cultura/DGArtes