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  • Artist

Ezra Veldhuis

Ezra Veldhuis (NL, °1991) is active in both performing and visual arts. She completed the master’s degree in visual arts at the School of Arts|KASK Ghent in 2017.  She has a multidisciplinary practice focusing on light as a material and subject. She makes performances, installations, paintings and videos as well as working as a lighting designer and scenographer. Her paintings were selected for the KOMASK Prize 2017 and the Great Ernst Albert Prize 2018. Since 2021, Ezra has been affiliated with School of Arts|KASK Ghent as a researcher through the Reflecting Light Research Group. In 2022, she came second in the Fintro Prize for Theater & Dance and won the Audience Award in the same category.

Ezra Veldhuis and Bosse Provoost have been collaborating since 2018 to create performances at the intersection of performance and installation art.

Foto van Ezra Veldhuis samen met Bosse Provoost, credits: Yvan Mahieu


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