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  • Artist

Nathan Ooms

Nathan Ooms (1996, he/him) obtained his master’s degree in Drama from KASK & Conservatorium in Ghent in 2019. During his studies, he did an Erasmus exchange at the Academy for Theatre and Dance in Amsterdam. Afterwards, he followed STUDIOS, the Master’s programme in choreography at P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels, where he graduated with The Honey House in 2021. Together with Anna Franziska Jäger, he created the performances DONKEY (2023), Ambient Theatre Fury (2022), and Bartlebabe (2021), among others. Nathan did an internship with Ula Sickle, where he collaborated on the performance Relay (2018) and performed in Marc Vanrunxt’s performances Drawings (2019) and Hyena Hyena (2023). He also performed in works by Rosie Sommers, Ezra Veldhuis & Bosse Provoost, and Lydia McGlinchey. He is part of the performance platform Ne mosquito pas.

In 2023 Nathan and Anna performed their production Ambient Theatre Fury at SPRING.


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