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  • Theatre
  • SPRING coproduction
  • NL premiere

Modesta (play of language & lips)

Anna Franziska Jäger & Nathan Ooms / CAMPO
Tue May 27 20:30 and Wed May 28 19:00
80 min.
English with Dutch subtitles
€19,- / €16,-
+ € 0,25 per transaction
Performing care, Fatigue bodies - exhausted minds, Mirrored gaze

A playful and poetic performance about growing up and finding your place in the world. Inspired by the book The Art of Joy by Goliarda Sapienza, five performers follow Modesta, a woman who bends the rules to her will. Through language, movement, and imagination, the question arises: how free can we truly be?

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In Modesta (play of language and lips), five performers set out to uncover who Modesta truly is. Is she a fantasy, a force we can feel? A young girl who transforms pain into pleasure, a woman who bends the rules of language and society, or a mysterious figure who cannot be ignored? Through language and movement, Modesta takes on countless forms and invites us to follow her trail.

Known for their love of non-theatrical texts and a physical acting style, Ooms & Jäger team up with performers Rosie Sommers, Christine De Smedt, and Arthur Loontjens to breathe new life into the coming-of-age genre. Inspired by Goliarda Sapienza’s The Art of Joy, written in the 1960s but only published decades later, the performance embodies the uncompromising desires, willpower, and joy of Modesta—the titular heroine who creates her own rules and defies the moral boundaries of her time. A celebration of freedom, transformation, and the art of living on your own terms, just as Modesta does.


Reading Group

Feel free to join the Reading Group: The Art of Joy, hosted by Anna Franziska Jäger and Nathan Ooms, on Sunday May 25th starting 11:00 at Savannah Bay.

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Anna Franziska Jäger


Nathan Ooms


Concept & direction Anna Franziska Jäger & Nathan Ooms

Performed by Christine De Smedt, Anna Franziska Jäger, Arthur Loontjens, Nathan Ooms & Rosie Sommers

Costumes & stage design Carly Rae Heathcote
Assistance costumes Vesara Molla

Dramaturgy Bojana Cvejić
Internship dramaturgy Nora Frizzi Auerbach

Music & sound design Lander Gyselinck

Production CAMPO technique Piet Depoortere, Jasse Vergauwe & Kato Stevens

Co-production December Dance, Kaaitheater, Kunstenwerkplaats, SPRING Performing Arts Festival, Theater Neumarkt & Perpodium with the support of the taxshelter of the Belgian Federal Government via Cronos Invest, the Flemish Government & the commission of the Flemish Community

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